Friday, March 18, 2011

Sending a Tsunami of Compassion

     What could be further from "Ripples on Tranquil Waters" than a tsunami? And yet, they are connected in my thoughts. The 9.0 earthquake in Japan a week ago triggered a tsunami with enough power to carry it completely across the Pacific Ocean. Tidal surges traveled 5,500 miles and reached the coastline of California, less than 100 miles from my front door. It staggers the mind. Today the first minuscule atomic traces of radiation carried aloft in the jet stream arrived.
     One event originated from the very nature of our planet, while the other involves the hand of science trying to harness the powerful elements of Earth. The balance between worlds collided.
     There are parallels to these tragic events, on a smaller scale. Each of us have personal 'tsunamis' in our everyday lives, washing over us when least expected. The very reason I included the word 'ripples' in the title of my blog was due to my personal philosophy that even the smallest action has far-reaching consequences; tiny concentric circles on the surface of the water, steadily expanding outward to reach far beyond imagination. What happens to you, large or small, touches my heart.
     Our words and actions outlive us because of the affect we have on the lives of others who share this planet with us. We are all one global humanity. Political, religious, social, and geographic lines drawn by some do not change that fact. The events of this past week are a painful reminder how closely we are connected; and yet, we are not so helpless or inadequate to make positive changes and help others in need. Let's begin by sending a tsunami of love and compassion back across the sea.