Sunday, October 31, 2010

Song of Gratitude

     I'm listening to a community of sparrows and finches chattering at the bird feeder, discussing the weather and putting in a request for increased rations to see them through the changing seasons. Twenty years ago this area was bordered by fields and farms, but their habitat has shrunk with demands for human houses and a shopping center. My feathered friends are finding it more difficult to find food and water without assistance. I'm happy to be able to provide for them and am rewarded by songs of gratitude.
     This is also a season when thoughts typically turn to providing a little extra help for people who have found themselves without employment, losing their home, experiencing a health crisis, or some other critical life-altering situation. Just putting adequate food on the table can be a challenge.
     Hunger is a 365-days-a-year problem and as thoughtful as providing a traditional holiday meal at a shelter may seem, it isn't enough. My husband and I discovered that long after the Food Donation Barrels disappear, the grocery store where we shop continues to donate to an organization which distributes food throughout the year. We add a contribution each week which goes directly into our community.
     Long ago when life was rough, I made "Ketchup Soup" because that's all I had. Receiving a box of rice or a package of beans would have meant the world to me. If you are able, please pay it forward and share a little when you can. If you are in an economic position where this is not possible, then I hope the generosity of others will reach you and restore your spirit.

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