Sunday, October 24, 2010

Flying with One Wing

"We are each of us angels with only one wing,
and we can only fly by embracing each other."
-- Luciano deCrescenzo

     It's not necessary to believe in angels to understand the wisdom of supporting each other. I keep this quote behind the mirror of my medicine cabinet where I can be reminded a minimum of twice a day, that I am not Super Woman, nor is anyone (besides myself) expecting me to leap tall buildings.
     There are days (make that weeks) that I should probably consider pinning this message to my shirt, because I over-extend myself. Oh, yes, I can fly with one wing. The problem is flying without adequate encouragement and assistence makes me tire easily and, predictably, travel in circles without any forward momentum.
     Asking for and accepting help is a humbling experience. Sometimes I'm able to pay it forward by being the giver and other times I'm the one who needs a little boost. It all works out in the end. 
     I'm inviting you to come fly with me. I don't know where I'm going, but getting there is half the fun! 


  1. Wow! So true...glad you made the leap into blogland. Thanks for helping me fly. I'll always be available to be your "other wing". Hugs. Robyne

  2. I find your choice of quotes similar to mine. Written on the wall above my desk is "Under His Wings". This is from a song I sang a lot during my teen years. Under His Wings I am safely abinding. It's always comforted me.

  3. Wow, you did it! You've been my wings for a long time and I'll always be your other one. Love, M

  4. I love the quote, agree with same, and have to add my thanks to those already posted for being not just one, but sometimes both wings for me! I really like your design too. I'm getting a little bit bored with mine, but haven't the guts to start over. Happy flying, friend.

  5. Saving yourself for yourself may be a good thing; it could be a path to conserving the strength we seem to have less of as we age. Selfishness is a way to perhaps be able to give more, in a way.

    Thank you for all you've given to our site.

